(10) Other Individual Income Tax Forms
Schedule A (Form 1040), Itemized Deductions
Schedule B (Form 1040), Interest and Ordinary Dividents
Schedule C (Form 1040), Profit or Loss from a Sole Proprietorship Business
Schedule C-EZ (Form 1040), Net Profit from a Sole Proprietorship Business
Schedule D (Form 1040), Capital Gains and Losses
Schedule E 1040), Supplemental Income and Loss
Schedule EIC (1040), Earned Income Credit
Schedule F (1040), Profit or Loss from Farming
Schedule H (1040), Household Employment Taxes
Schedule J (1040), Income Averaging for Farmers and Fisherman
Schedule R (1040), Credit for the Elderly or the Disabled
Schedule SE (1040), Self Employment Tax
Schedule 8812 (1040), Child Tax Credit
Schedule 1 (1040) Additional Income and Adjustment to Income
Schedule 2 (1040) Additional Taxes
Schedule 3 (1040) Additional Credits and Payments
Schedule 5 (1040) Other Payments and Refundable Credits
Schedule 6 (1040) Foreign Address and Third Party Designee
Form 2106 (1040) Employee Business Expenses
Form 4562 (1040) Depreciation and Amortization
Form 6251 (1040) Alternative Minimum Tax
Form 1116 (1040) Foreign Tax Credit (Individual, Estate or Trust)
Form 2555 (1040) Foreign Earned Income
Form 3800 (1040) General Business Credit
Form 4952 (1040) Investment Interest Expense Deduction
Form 8697 (1040) Interest Computation under the look back method for completed long term contracts
Form 8801 (1040) Credit for prior year minimum tax - Individuals, Estates and Trusts